Welcome to my world of learning to cultivate my life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow....

Oats, peas, beans and barley grow,
Oats, peas, beans and barley grow,
Do you or I or anyone know;
How oats, peas, beans and barley grow.

Yes this means we planted our veggie garden last night. This is all new to me, I have had gardens planted all around me in my lifetime but never cared enough or had the time to ask the questions I have now.

My sister grew a wonderful garden every year and it didn't take up much space or time. She always had extra corn or tomatoes to share. Did I ever work the garden with her...did I ever ask her those questions? No I didn't and now it is to late.

So here we are as a family planting these little seeds into Mother Earth with faith that they will grow and feed us one day. We trust that those little seeds know what to do....I just hope we know how to help them along the way.

I feel that my sister is helping in her spirit guide ways, giving me that gut feeling on what is right and what isn't. I feel better knowing she is around here somewhere watching over me as I carry on her garden as she always did.


  1. Gardens can be very healing . . . a good way to stay grounded as well. I am sure you will have great success !!

  2. hi Pixie Willow, I just read your comment. I greatly appreciate what you said. I'll discuss more about Grandma in a minute on my blog and I'll post a link here back to my post so you can read it if you like. That way you'll know more about what is going on.

  3. Your garden did wonderful last year, I'm sure it will thrive again this year. Blessings.
