Welcome to my world of learning to cultivate my life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wild Flowers and Magic

Wild flowers and magic have been around as long as anyone knows. They are two things that occur in nature without our help, but flourish when we tend to them a little. As children we all love the flowers. And the magic comes naturally to all we do, but as we grow older most people put away those things of childhood and move on.

Wild flowers don't grow in the structured way people tend to want their gardens...they are messy and uncontrollable in their minds. People tend to want control and symmetry to their lives and don't want the unexpected.

Then their are people who love to let nature go the way she was meant to live! Let the wild flowers grow in their lives and in their yards. Mother earth has given us flowers and magic to nurture and I tend to learn all I can about both!

I love the unexpected, I love messy and uncontrollable. I love wild flowers and magic!


  1. You thrive in Chaos :) Wildflowers are beautiful. It is a goal of mine this summer to find a wildflower field and run around in it barefoot :D

  2. I just planted a whole hill side so come on to Ohio and I've got you covered!

  3. Count me in!!! I want to wear a long, flowy white skirt and a peasant top...and run in the wildflowers too!
